Ayurveda Coaching and Mentoring

Ongoing 1-on-1 support + Group Mentoring

As we start to introduce new changes, it can be useful to have a system of support that allows these changes to bear fruit as quite often this takes time.

This coaching and mentoring is here to help support the application of the new lifestyle and dietary changes recommended in original consultations. Nourishing and helping them to root and grow to become more sustainable in your daily life - so over time you are more empowered with the right knowledge for you

Why get this coaching and mentoring ?


How this will help you: (not limited to the following)

  • Provides a support system to help develop new lifestyle and dietary changes into your daily life following on from the original guidance and recommendations and root them so they become more a way of living - simply and practically

  • Develop what’s next - How you can deepen the Ayurveda knowledge within your life - Work in more specific ways, based on your uniqueness, over time. For example, this could mean how to deepen your yoga asana practice with Ayurveda, your relationships, or specifically in your diet or lIfestyle to reduce things such as stress

  • Create and experience more meaning and purpose in your life by interweaving the Ayurvedic living and diet with yoga practice to develop more clarity, peace, balance and creativity in your life. A union towards what you’re meant to be naturally doing with your life - Aligning with your truth and Dharma

  • Empower you to become more sustainable with the right lifestyle and diet to maintain and identify what to introduce based on your unique way of living and life circumstance at any one time

  • Offer a community support network of like minded people - within a group environment where others can come together, enquire, provide support, ask questions, share experiences. A creative space also for what we haven’t yet discovered but have a stronger possibility of finding through others on the same enquiry

  • Understand how to interweave the Nature outside using Permaculture knowledge to deepen your inside, (Ayurveda) knowledge - For example - “Growing for your Dosha”


What’s unique about the coaching & mentoring

Provides not just the “what” right lifestyle and diet to introduce, based on your individuality, but also the “why’, “when’ and “how” so, over time, you become more rooted, educated and sustainable with living Ayurveda.

Simple, practical and realistic solutions that take into consideration your current unique lifestyle and living circumstance within your Ayurvedic constitution, (Prakriti) and current state of balance, (Vikriti) - We find you within your Ayurvedic constitution

Multiple systems of support in combining Ayurveda knowledge with proven frameworks of knowledge in Yoga and Permaculture help guide the practical application and root into your daily life

How the coaching and mentoring flows

The support is available in 2 ways, with both being available if wanted:

1 to 1 - more defined individual support

  • Offers a more bespoke designed lifestyle and dietary supportive structure you can follow. Refined over time, based on your experience and specific needs, to lead you into being more self sufficient with the right Ayurvedic knowledge for you.

  • Provides you more opportunity to find you within your constitution type, (Prakriti) and current situation, of health, (Vikriti)

1 to 1 Mentoring/Coaching

€ 65 per session, based on minimum 3 sessions

Group Mentoring- creating community support with others

  • Offers continual support, (monthly membership basis) that helps the understanding of Ayurvedic living and support the implementation into your daily life

  • 1 live Q&A Webinar, (recorded) every month based on specific topics that members have questions/ an enquiry on - Members email questions in advance

  • 1 live Q&A Webinar every month - based on supportive themes around general Ayurveda topics

  • 30% reduction on 1 to 1 coaching and mentoring sessions, after 6 months group membership

Group Mentoring

€ 25 per month

We will contact you with further details once you’ve joined

What’s included

1 to 1 - Coaching and mentoring

  • 3, 1hr, sessions over a period of 6 weeks to 3 months specific to bring in the beneficial lifestyle and dietary changes

  • Helping and supporting you in applying and developing the right changes in the most simple and practical ways based on how you are living right now - so we find you within your Ayurvedic constitution

  • Facilitate the application of what’s next - deepening the knowledge and benefits over time integrating changes over time in the right way for you - allowing the seeds of change to grow and bear the right fruits.

  • Bespoke options to go more specific in different area of your life - such as:

    • How to deepen your yoga practice with Ayurveda

    • Develop and create the right unique Ayurveda structures and routines in your life based on your current life circumstances within your unique Ayurvedic Prakriti and Vikriti

    • Understand and develop better relationships using Ayurveda

1 to 1 Mentoring/Coaching

€ 65 per session, based on minimum 3 sessions

Group Mentoring

  • Monthly subscription, (based on minimum of 3 months)

  • 2 live Q&A webinars every month - based around supportive Ayurveda living themes

    • 75 minutes each and recorded

  • Access to recorded videos of past webinars, (whilst in membership)

  • Access to further video library, (during active membership period) pre recorded, supportive topics such as;

    • How to deepen a yoga practice with Ayurvedic knowledge

    • Ayurveda and Permaculture - How they interweave and compliment each other

    • How can Ayurveda, Yoga and Permaculture support each other practical ways to bring us into more harmony and balance with our natural way

    • How Ayurveda helps us find more meaning and aligns us with our define our Dharma - (life's purpose)

  • Connection with other Ayurveda like minded community members within closed FB community page

    • Option to join community group - not mandatory

Group Mentoring

€ 25 per month

We will contact you with further details after you’ve joined