Ayurvedic Consultations

1-on-1 guidance to help you support your unique nature

The more we understand our unique nature, the more we can introduce positive changes that will nourish us in the present moment and bear many fruits over the course of our lives.

These consultations are here to help you understand your unique mental & physical nature, from an Ayurvedic point of view, and introduce the most simple, practical, and sustainable changes possible in your lifestyle and diet to support your uniqueness and your life as a whole.

Why get an Ayurvedic consultation?


These consultations will help you:

  • Understand your Ayurvedic constitution (e.g. how much of each element you inherently have), what your natural tendencies are (given your constitution), and how to work with them in the most natural and supportive way.

  • Understand your unique nature within your constitution—while many people may have the same constitution as you (e.g. Pitta-Vata), you have a unique soul, a unique life, and a unique personal calling. We explore what lights you up and why, so we can honor your uniqueness.

  • Find and apply the right solutions for you, given your current situation (e.g where you’re living, what you’re doing, etc) + what matters most to you right now. Together we identify what changes would be most beneficial for you right now in your lifestyle and diet. In addition, we look at how and when you can introduce them in the most fluid way.

  • Experience greater alignment in your lifestyle (family & relationships, sleep & relaxation, personal time, social time & community, location / environment, work); diet (food, drink, spices, supplements); yoga practice (asana, pranayama, meditation, satsang)

  • Create the conditions to experience more meaning and purpose in your life


How these consultations flow

Pre-consult questionnaire

Before we meet, you’ll fill out a detailed questionnaire to help us get an initial sense of your core constitution.

1-on-1 Consultation

When we meet, we’ll first explore what’s happening in your life right now to get a clear sense of your current situation and what’s most important to you at this time.

Then we’ll review your personal history to clarify your innate biological constitution and help you better understand the characteristics of your dosha and your unique nature.

With both your core constitution and current situation in mind, we’ll explore what lifestyle, dietary, and personal practice changes you can introduce to help you feel more like you and more alive.

2 week follow-up call

After the consultation session, you’ll have two weeks to experiment with the changes to see how they feel and flow for you.

After two weeks, we’ll meet again for 30 minutes to review what your experience was like and see how we can fine tune the changes to be more aligned and supportive for you.

Thereafter, ongoing mentoring support is available if desired, to help you bring in more subtle and deeper supportive changes.

What’s included

  • 60-minute consultation session with follow-up email support to help you get started.

  • A personalized lifestyle and dietary plan with 5-7 changes you can introduce over 2 weeks that are realistic for you right now, easy to apply, and will have the most significant impact.

  • 2 week follow-up call (30 min) where we adjust any of the lifestyle and dietary recommendations, as needed, to cultivate a deeper sense of balance and well-being.

  • Detailed information sheet with lifestyle and dietary recommendations for the primary Ayurvedic Dosha you’re working with.

1-on-1 Ayurveda Consultation

60 minute consultation with 30-minute follow-up

What’s unique about these consulations

Multiple systems of support

These consultations integrate practical knowledge from two support systems
which interweave seamlessly with Ayurveda: Permaculture and Yoga



Ayurveda + Permaculture

In Permaculture design, before introducing any changes it is essential to understand our environment—to see what’s currently going on and what resources are already abundantly available. The more we understand the characteristics of what’s already present, the more we can interact in the most harmonious way.

Just as Permaculture guides us to understand the characteristics of our external Nature/ environment, Ayurveda helps understand the characteristics of our internal environment (our unique mental and physical nature), so that we can introduce the most supportive changes in our diet and lifestyle.

By combining Ayurveda with Permaculture, it strengthens the possibility of introducing the most harmonious changes that both align with our inner nature (mind and body) as well as our external environment (current life circumstances).

We have to understand what we’re working with before we can introduce any positive, sustainable change. Otherwise, the changes we introduce, they’re hit or miss—sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t.

Ayurveda + Yoga

Yoga is traditionally seen as the sister science of Ayurveda. While Ayurveda considers more of our mental-phyiscal nature, Yoga considers more of our mental-spiritual nature. The more we enhance one aspect, the more we support the other.

Yogic practices, such as yoga asana, pranayama, and meditation, help us harmonize our inner nature. When combined with Ayurvedic insight, our Yoga practice become less generic and more tailored to our individual needs.

Whilst it’s not essential to work with both, combining Yoga with Ayurveda enhances the possibility of experiencing our most vibrant mental and physical nature as well as our inherent spiritual truth.

What others have experienced

  • “I've been studying Ayurveda for several years and I experienced some roadblocks implementing this ancient practice into my life.  Justin listened to what I was looking for and asked some great questions to better understand where I came from, where I currently was, and what I was seeking.  His advice was monumental!  I was excited and implemented new habits that supported an increase in feeling better overall by eating more whole foods, having fun in the kitchen, Yoga recommendations, and connecting with my spiritual community.  Justin ultimately assisted me in balancing my Doshas which has, in turn, helped me live a more holistic lifestyle. Thank you so much, Justin!”

    Natalie, Holistic Life Coach, Mind-Body Practitioner, ACE CPT

  • “As a yoga teacher I am so happy that ayurveda has now also become a daily practice. I wish I had known about it sooner. For me ayurveda created self-awareness and supports my yogic/healthy lifestyle with small simple daily practices. My consultation with Justin was exactly what I was looking for.  Firstly, it confirmed many ayurvedic discoveries I had made myself but wasn't sure of. I also really appreciated how practical his approach is. This allowed me to start introducing small lifestyle changes without needing in-depth ayurvedic knowledge. Justin made me feel comfortable and safe to share very personal physical and emotional sides of myself.”

    Joelle South Africa, Yoga Teacher Trainer

  • “Having an Ayurvedic consultation with Justin turned out to be one of the most important things I could have done for myself. By simply understanding the connection between diet and lifestyle suitable for my underlying biological constitution my whole life has changed. Justin explains this connection in a manner which allows for simplistic alterations to one’s everyday life. Had it been complicated I may well have given up, but in implementing his suggestions I have noticed considerable health benefits. I have learned a great deal about myself and feel that the connection between Ayurveda and lifestyle is significant in bringing about optimum wellbeing.

    I was so impressed with the ease in which I have been able to incorporate these ideas into my everyday life, I asked Justin to deliver a workshop to a group of students under my care. They too found the experience beneficial with many going on to take further study and consider their own lifestyle changes. It has been such a positive experience for many of us and I would totally recommend Justin and his teachings.”

    Belinda British Wheel of Yoga, Teacher Trainer, UK

Discover the right lifestyle & diet for you